5SR - December 15, 2023
Zara on what to say when you're not okay, perfect moment syndrome, and sharing about IVF
Today’s #5SmartReads contributor is Zara Hanawalt! Zara is a freelance journalist covering parenting, women's health, culture, and more. She has written for outlets like Vogue, Parents, Elle, Shape, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Glamour, and more. Zara is a mom to twins and a passionate advocate for maternal rights and health. In her free time, she enjoys reading, cooking, spending time with her family, and watching lots (and lots) of TV.
27 Very Good Responses For When You’re Actually Not OK (Wondermind)
Obviously, things are heavy right now. And if I'm being honest, I'm not in a great place, and I know many others feel the same. But I've been so conditioned to respond with a "good!" when someone asks how I'm doing...it just feels like a default. This article details some alternative responses that give us some space to admit that we're not good, or even okay, at times.
Of course, selecting the right answer is personal and the person you are responding to factors in as well, but these are some great honest, yet still lighthearted suggestions. "Retail therapy-ing so hard I need a basket at Sephora" will be my go-to from here on out.
Gabby Windey: ‘I Don’t Think I Would Ever Date A Man Again’ (Glamour)
I loved Gabby Windey on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette — she was so funny, yet so wise at the same time. That wisdom really shines through in this essay, which has an as-told-to format. Gabby does a beautiful job of putting her years-long journey to really make sense of her feelings around her sexuality into words. Her take on labels is also refreshing: “I just am what I am,” she writes.
Do You Suffer From Perfect Moment Syndrome? (Poosh)
I've never heard of "perfect moment syndrome" until now, but...I'm a mom during the holiday season. I'm GONNA put too much pressure on myself to make everything perfect and magical for everyone else. I will be doing my very best to implement suggestions form this article to let go of unrealistic expectations for this season and beyond.
Skimm The Vote 2024: What Female Voters Are Thinking One Year Out (The Skimm)
It's hard to believe it's already time to start thinking about another presidential election, but it is — and for many of us (myself included, if we're being honest), the choice feels more complicated than ever. This article breaks down millennial women's thoughts, fears, and important issues as we head into the race. It's an eye-opening look at what women in this large, massively influential voting block have on their minds. One thing is clear: There's a lot at stake. One major takeaway? The need for better policies affecting mothers is long, long overdue.
Sharing The ‘Deep Details’ Of IVF Makes The Road Easier To Navigate (Parents)
It's never been easier to talk openly about reproductive health...but it's still really, really hard, especially when trying to be open about our personal experiences with infertility or pregnancy loss. As a journalist who frequently covers these issues, I give celebrities so much credit for paving the way and opening public discussions about fertility. Talking about our experiences matters.
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