Today’s #5SmartReads contributor is Shibani! Originally from Mumbai, India, Shibani has lived in Cleveland, Ohio for the past 20 years. She's an avid reader, consistently reading over 150 books per year, almost all fiction, mostly romance and fantasy. You can find her reviews on Goodreads (you can follow her there) and on Instagram.
Morning Light is Crucial for Happiness. Here’s how to get it- Even if you Hate Mornings (Vox)
I live in Cleveland, and I’m not going to lie, the winter is rough.
In mid January I joked about “not seeing the sun this year” and it wasn’t hyperbole. If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably seen me talk about my lack of motivation to do any workouts, and I'm convinced the lack of sun is to blame.
New Cancer Diagnosis Expected to hit Record High This Year (Axios)
Sorry to be a bit of a downer, but cancer diagnoses are expected to reach record levels this year. And unfortunately, it’s happening to younger people. I am in the tremendously privileged position to have health insurance, and if you do too, please USE your insurance to take care of yourself.
Get your basic preventative checks – OB/GYN, mammograms, standard and comprehensive blood tests etc. – whatever may be appropriate for you and your risk factors.
I would need at least 2 hands to count the number of friends and acquaintances who have found themselves being treated for breast cancer following detection in their very first mammogram. If you are 40 or older, or at high-risk, please DO NOT delay this important test – make that appointment today.
The Trick to Negotiating That Raise? Science. (Vox)
Some of you may be heading into annual review season, and like most things, it’s best to be prepared.
And if your 2024 vision board included making more money, here’s how you need to think about asking for it.
How to Find a Bra that Fits (NPR)
Speaking of breasts, when was the last time you were properly fitted for a bra? How many of your bras are hanging on by literal threads? Do not worry – you don’t even have to leave your house to solve this issue, with this handy guide that shows you how to measure yourself for the perfect fit.
A little sidebar – if you search bras online and click through any of them, you will get inundated by Instagram ads for more bras than you even knew existed. Those cookies really work.
10 Ocean Mysteries Scientists Haven’t Solved Yet (Vox)
If you're a science nerd, or even just intellectually curious, you're probably fascinated by the ocean. And the ocean got a lot of attention last year with the submersible.
Personally, I'm a little afraid of it - like space, it is not naturally hospitable to human life, so I'm likely to remain firmly on land. That said, it is fascinating, and I absolutely LOVE this piece on the mysteries of the ocean.
This is a slightly longer read, and includes links to podcasts, so prepare to dive down a little rabbit hole.
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